If you are a pedestrian who was injured as a result of being struck by a vehicle, the actions you take directly after your accident can have an impact on your ability to get all of the compensation you deserve. That is why it is important to ensure that one of the first actions you choose to take is to contact a pedestrian accident lawyer. However, there are a few things that you will need to do or avoid doing until you have a chance to consult with this attorney. You can learn more about these three things below.
#1: Do Make Sure You Seek Immediate Medical Attention
Perhaps the most important thing you will need to do after an accident is to seek out medical attention. While you may initially believe that your injuries are minor and do not require professional attention, the full extent of your injuries may not be known until hours or even days after the accident. Some injuries can also be difficult to detect without the use of proper imaging machines due to their internal nature. By getting medical attention immediately after your accident, you will be able to rule out the presence of any life-threatening internal injuries and clearly establish a timeline for any injuries you did suffer as a result of your accident.
#2: Do Not Make An Official Statement Regarding The Accident
Almost immediately after your accident is reported to the driver's insurance company, a representative from this company is likely to reach out to you to get a statement from you. As part of this statement, you will be asked to provide details regarding the events that caused the accident and what injuries you suffered as a result of this accident. While these questions may seem harmless to answer, your answers to these questions can have a huge impact on your claim for compensation. That is why you should refrain from making any statements to the insurance company before you can consult a lawyer. If you are contacted by the insurance company before you can contact a lawyer, simply inform them that you wish to speak to a lawyer before making a statement of any kind.
#3: Do Not Accept Any Payments
It is important to understand that pedestrian accident laws only allow you to receive compensation for your injuries one time. If you agree to any type of payment from the insurance company or directly from the person who hit you, you will not be able to seek additional compensation for your injuries. This can lead to you getting far less for your injuries than you truly deserve, That is why you should never accept any payments before you consult with a lawyer.
Contact a law office like the Law Office Of Timothy M. O'Donovan to learn more.